April 15, 2024
Nativity Academy is proud to announce the 1st Annual Memorial Charity Golf Tournament in memory of Frank Klein. Frank was one of Nativity's original Board Members and was committed to the educational opportunities that Nativity afforded students from Louisville's urban core. Frank was involved in forming the first boys basketball team at Nativity. He chaired the Golf Event each year. After his death in 2015, Nativity restored their basketball floor and named and dedicated to Frank Klein.
Frank was a devoted and beloved member of the Nativity Academy community. His work continues today because of the commitment and dedication to Nativity Academy and our students.
Thank you for your support of Nativity Academy's fundraising efforts. We cannot wait to see you on the course in April.
Peter, Mark, Frank and Kevin Klein (l-r)
Scramble Format
Prizes for the First and Second Place Teams
Awards Ceremony followed golf event
Shootout winner gets a one-week stay at
Marco Island Condo
Ist Place Winners:
2nd Place Team:
Nativity Academy at St. Boniface
529 E. Liberty Street, Louisville Ky 40202