529 E. Liberty Street
Louisville KY 40202
Plan now to attend Open House
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Tours available:
9 am -12 pm
5 pm -7 pm
Please click button below if you plan to attend our Open House.
Application Packet
Step One: Click to open the Parent/Guardian Application Form.
Parent letters in English and Spanish provide Application instructions.
If you complete this application form online, please attach the completed form to an email to: nativity529@nativityacademy.org
Step Two: Click to open the FACTS Grants & Aid Information Sheet
and link for FACTS application
Step Three: Click to open and save the Recommendation Form
that you will provide by email attachment or mail to a teacher, administrator or counselor from your child’s current school. Please provide (2) year’s attendance record and MAP scores.
Step Four: Ask your child’s current school to provide your child’s transcript to Nativity by attaching it to an email to: nativity529@nativityacademy.org
If you have any questions about these documents or the Application process please call us any time for help and information: 502-855-3300
We invite parents, guardians, and students to call any time for more information: 502-855-3300.
Nativity Academy is an independent private Catholic middle school for the education of under served students (grades 6-8) that transforms the lives of students who have a commitment to achievement and whose families demonstrate financial need. Nativity gives priority to students who are eligible for the Federal School Lunch Program.
Nativity Academy currently serves students of all faiths from Metro Louisville who desire a challenging academic, personalized, and supportive environment. On average, 85% of Nativity Academy graduates enroll in Catholic high schools in the Louisville community
Nativity Academy does not discriminate against qualified applicants on the basis of sex, race, religion, nationality or ethnic origin in any manner whatsoever.
Any form of discrimination is contrary to the philosophy and spirit of Nativity Academy.
Nativity Academy at St. Boniface
529 E. Liberty Street, Louisville Ky 40202